Clothing and fashion accessories for choirs
As a choir it is important to choose the right clothing and to look well-groomed and uniform. There is an opportunity to stand out even further by choosing the right accessories. Neckties, bow ties, scarves and other accessories will do just that. Here are some tips for your choir’s outfit.
Neckties & Bowties
Usually, plain ties are the best accessory for gentleman as a plain necktie gives a calm image. In addition, we have extra-long ties available for men taller than 2 meters. For performances with a more festive character, for example around the holidays, a bow ties can give a more festive look. The necktie or bow tie can also be combined with a pocket square to finish the look.
In mixed choirs, it is unusual for ladies to wear ties, although ladies ties can definitely create a beautiful effect. Usually, however, women choose scarves. The most beautiful effect is to match the scarves for the ladies in material and color of the neckties for the men or vice versa.
Choice of accessories throughout the year
The nice thing about accessories is that throughout the year the colours can be matched to the season, or in the case of church choirs, to the liturgical calendar. Think for example of pastel colours or purple in spring or at Easter, or white accessories around Christmas. White or black accessories are also a good choice for occasions such as weddings or funerals.
Here at we have a wide collection of ties, bow ties, scarves, and other accessories in stock. We are happy to make you a customised offer and can deliver personalised accessories from 10 pieces.