A beautiful combination of tie, shirt and suit helps you to show your best side and ensures that you look professional and well-groomed. There are a few basic rules that you can follow to guarantee that you make the right combination of tie, shirt and suit.
First choose your suit, then shirt and finally your tie. In this exact order you will make the right choices for your outfit. Place the shirt under your jacket and place your tie on it. This way you get a good idea of the whole look. By the way, if you are looking for a new shirt, our Profuomo shirts have the perfect fit and will definitely become one of your favorites!
When browsing through images online, the combination of a checkered tie with a striped shirt and herringbone jacket can look rather nice. But if you try to make this combination yourself you can easily get lost between the polka dots and the pinstripes. You should, for example, avoid a striped suit, a striped shirt and a striped tie in one outfit. Here are some simple guidelines to help you through:
This combination has always been successful. A combination of plain tie, shirt and suit is a strong, solid choice. Suitable for every occasion and every day. View our plain ties here.
You’ll look great in this winning combination! Choose a solid white or light blue shirt and a dark suit. Almost every tie works well with this combination. From a busy paisley to a calm stripe design.
Feeling adventurous? Then you choose a dark suit, a lighter shirt and a tie the shade between the two - you can also experiment and go for a tie as dark as the suit. Make sure that the colours are in harmony with each other and avoid excessive colour contrasts. If you come back with the same colour tone as the suit or shirt in the tie, you will be fine. Do you have more experience in making combinations? Then you can even opt for a lighter jacket, with which you can combine a slightly darker tie. More information about tie colours.
In our second section ‘Combining designs’, we already saw that when combining two of the same designs with each other, you have to ensure that the designs differ in size -for example, a fine pinstripe suit works well in union with a tie in coarse stripes. It will be another story when you combine two different designs with each other. Take the example of a tie with a paisley pattern and a shirt in a diamond pattern -in this case, it is wise to make the patterns match in size. Check that the paisleys on your tie are just as small as the diamonds. Combining two different designs is a difficult job, which is precisely why it is wise to create a harmony in the design sizes.
Plain suit and shirt, tie and pocket square with pattern
With this combination the basic rules are applied, but in bold colours. Because the suit is darker than the tie and shirt and the suit and shirt are plain, you can opt for a more daring tie. Despite the striking design and colour use, the whole is in balance, because the shirt, tie and pocket square are kept in the same colour tone. Shopping for a pocket square? View our pocket square collection.
Suit and tie with pattern, plain shirt and pocket square
The combination of suit, shirt and tie in different designs requires a high level of skill and daring! Nevertheless, it is possible for you to look great in this combination. A suit with a large check, combined with a tie in a finer design. This outfit is completely balanced because the colours are kept in the same tone - light blue shirt, blue tie with white design. The white comes back in the pocket square.
A tough job, but it is doable: combining a pinstripe suit with a checkered shirt and a paisley tie. Pay close attention to the colour composition and the size of the designs. Only the brave and experienced can venture this! Feeling courageous?
If you have read the rules above, you know what to do with the first step of this combination. Two identical designs means that you have to make the designs differ in size. For example, a fine pinstripe suit, combined with a tie in coarser stripes. Suppose you want to combine a shirt with a check pattern. Which size design works best? The answer is that you have to focus on the design of the suit. Does the suit have a nice line? Then combine it with a fine check shirt. Does the suit have a big line? Then combine it with a shirt with a rough checkered pattern.
If you are feeling doubtful or inexperienced then take it one step at a time. If you keep it simple, the combination will look good on you! Make sure that at least one of the three garments plain, you are already well on your way.